I really love your art style! these dudes are lookin swanky af
I really love your art style! these dudes are lookin swanky af
AY I'm glad you do! I had a bit of a tough time tryin to translate em into my style so it's nice to hear it worked out :D
That looks fucking awesome, great work!!
I've never tried vent art before, does it actually work?
For me it does, but it depends- i've found out that the more i think about it, about what i want to draw, the more it frustrates me, so the best course of action is just to draw and let your hands do whatever they want.
Also you'll probably run out of steam pretty fast- i liked the sketch, so i kept on with it.
It's also quite a personal thing, so don't feel obligated to post it- i just liked this one.
At the same time, i find posting a drawing in a way separates me mentally from it (as a metaphorical "throw it into the void and whatever happens happens"), so maybe it helps!
colonel, i'm trying to sneak around
that shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did.
So glad you like it, thanks much! ✌️
Nice Dog
Ain't He Cute
This looks cool as hell, keep it up, you are an amazing artist :)
Glad you like it, thanks for the kind words friend~
All of these look really well done. Great job!!!
Thank you! <3
This looks absolutely amazing, great work on this one for sure!
Awe tysm!! I appreciate that alot !!
no pressure
art college
Richmond, VA
Joined on 3/9/20