WOW this turned out looking really cool!!!!! Great work on this one!!!!
WOW this turned out looking really cool!!!!! Great work on this one!!!!
I see that he is a member of the Sun Pirates
USA version reminds me of a certain Loud & Angry Boom-Boom Man
Is this a Man with a Cat head or a Cat with a Man Body?
It's a Mexican wrestler, so he's got a crazy mask on
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but how did you do the colors on the fire? was it just a gradient or something?
I just blend all the shit in with a brush if that's what ur asking, (idk what program u use, but in clip studio I typically use the watercolor one, most watercolor brushes in most programs I think do a good job at blending I wanna say but my ass isn't a professional) I use a gradient tool for backgrounds tho
I love the way you draw hands, I also really enjoy the stylization that you added to them.
I'm so sorry, but that looks like Sans Undertale funny skeleton
Just came from this post from the home page to say how cool it was!!! Great work!!!!
I'm going to jump off of a cliff
no pressure
art college
Richmond, VA
Joined on 3/9/20